In the Revelation of St. John the Theologian, it is said that everyone will have the character (the inscription, the seal) of the name of the beast and the number of the name of the beast 666 in his right hand or in his forehead (verses 13:16-13:18), and in verses 14:9-14:11 it is about the fate of those who worship the beast and his image, and accepts the character of the name of the beast in the right hand or in the forehead.
The question arises, what is the "name of the beast"?
In the collection "Orthodox Elders: prophecies and salvation in the last days" the statements of our Orthodox elders about the character (the inscription, the seal) of the Antichrist are given. Here are their statements from the collection (the page number of the collection is indicated in parentheses).
A barcode with a personal number, as well as a barcode on goods - this is the character (the inscription, the seal) of the Antichrist
A person who has accepted a number (INN) enters the system of evil" (elder Kirill (Pavlov) (p. 227). (note: INN - individual tax number).
What does "inscribe" mean? To draw deep straight lines, don't you? The seal will be an inscription that will first be placed on all goods, and then people will be forced to put it on their foreheads or on their hands" (Rev. Paisii Svyatogorets, p. 240).
Father Christopher, seeing the barcodes, said: "These are them, these are them." I.e. the Antichrist inscriptions. And he did not bless buying goods with their image (p. 240).
Barcodes on a forehead will easily be received by those who neglect them now, i.e. do not pay attention to them. They don't touch me, such people say. Thus, a person became related to them, instead of hating them and tearing them off, throwing them into the sewage. (St. Athanasius (Sedentary) in Kharkov, p. 241).
Make no mistake, because this seal is in the form of lattices will be placed on all products in order to confuse Orthodox Christians (Archim. Tavrion, p. 248).
They will give new documents: passports, numbers, everything will be electronic and they will distribute inscriptions everywhere. He called them the Old Testament Israeli symbol. You can recognize him like this: he will have 30 sticks according to the number of 30 pieces of silver. The extreme ones are elongated and elongated in the middle. As soon as you see him, know that this is it. And they will put it on products, on documents, everywhere, everywhere. The Apocalypse will be performed. (Archim. Tavrion, p. 249).
The inscription of the beast will be disguised as the figures of the Old Testament Solomon's Treasury. And there will be some sticks, and three will be elongated or shortened, as he comes up with. They will be on all products. (Archim. Tavrion, p. 249).
The inscription (seal) of the Antichrist is a coincidence (identification) of the numbers: - on your body; - in your document; - in the computer (p.251).
The writing on the cards will be with a secret name (monk Zinovy Mnikh, p. 225).
"Passports are not Russian, they are Masonic with the seal of the Antichrist" (Hieroschemonk Raphael (Berestov), p. 231).
A nun in the Caucasus told Hieroschemonk Raphael (Berestov) that before appearing on the right hand and on the forehead, the seal of the Antichrist will appear in the passport (note: in the Ukrainian passport, this is the UNZR).
"And the further digital name, as the name of the Antichrist, i.e. they take their names from the Antichrist servants, they are from demons, according to the type of baptism ... And here they mystically attach us to the antichrist through three sixes – 666 and give the digital name of one of the demons to a person in addition to his desire, whether he wants or not" (Raphael (Berestov) p. 231).
The digital name of antichrist 666 has power and demonic energy, and it exerts strong pressure on the subconscious and on the will of man (Raphael (Berestov), p. 232).
Those who take electronic documents will lose the grace of the Holy Spirit. The demonic energy settles on them. That's why they can't be taken - this is already the seal of the Antichrist. Still on paper, but not on the forehead and on the hand (Raphael (Berestov), p. 231).
"Passports already bear the seal of the Antichrist and work for him. I do not know whether they are signaling to satellites or not, but knowledgeable people told me that this would happen" (fr. Anthony in the book: A.Krasnov /2/, p. 146).
The one who accepted the passport will accept the seal. He can't resist. Starting from accepting the voucher, the eclipse of consciousness begins. If there is a code in the identity card, then for the enemy, "this is already my man." With the acceptance of a passport, grace departs from a person. It's not the seal yet, but it's a huge step towards the seal. (Abbot Gury, p. 230).
"In America, they are already inscribing the name of the "beast" with a laser on the forehead and on the arm. In 1982, 3,000 people were captured in America... (Rev. Paisius (Svyatogorets), p. 247).
"It /the seal/ already leads only to hell" (Abbot Guriy), p. 251).
Here is the Message of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church dated May 19, 1998:
"But at the same time, we must remember that the seal of the Antichrist will only complete the process of falling away from God and His grace, which is now secretly being carried out in the depths of human hearts. It is in this case that an individual identification number, which will be assigned to each person and applied to him using some kind of "indelible inscription" technology, can really become the "seal of the Antichrist."
Also, the Official Position of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church on the development of personal data processing technologies and the introduction of biometric documents says:
"A digital identity identifier in the form of a "unique registry entry number" (note: UNZR) can be recorded in the form of a barcode. Its use in documents becomes mandatory for everyone without exception. The presence of machine-readable information in the identity document makes it possible to identify it during any purchase and sale transactions where a cash register or non-cash payments are used. This situation will make it impossible to buy and sell without an identity ID or a digital name. In 2003, the St. Petersburg State Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics conducted an examination and found the number "six, six, six" in the barcode. As you can see, there are fewer and fewer differences between the identity identifier and the apocalyptic sign. If such an inscription, such a stigma is applied to the right hand or forehead of a person, then the differences will disappear altogether."
Note: According to the scientific expertise of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University The INN is recorded in the EAN-13 UPC standard, i.e. in the same standard as the barcode on the goods. This standard assumes four recording methods: text, electronic, in the form of a barcode, in the form of a microchip of radio frequency identification, which can be applied to the forehead or on the right hand. We know the testimony of an Orthodox woman who saw a barcode on the forehead of a deceased man in Odessa. During his lifetime, the barcode was not invisible. His relatives told her that he had received a Ukrainian biometric passport.
Renunciation of Christ, of God
"Especially the priest / Archimandrite Christopher/ was categorical about the numbers. He considered it a renunciation of Christ" (schemamonk Christopher, p. 227).
By accepting the seal of the Antichrist, they renounce the seal of Christ given to them in Holy Baptism, and they also say that they have Christ in themselves! (Rev. Paisius (Svyatogorets), p. 246).
By accepting the seal, a person renounces God. The same is true with passports (Rev. Paisii (Svyatogorets), p. 247).
It's the devil's seal! By accepting it, you renounce the Seal of Holy Baptism, you put another seal: you deny Christ and accept the seal of the devil" (Rev. Paisii Svyatogorets, p. 247).
The brethren of the Pochaev Lavra, in their appeal to Patriarch Kirill, warn that the adoption of a digital name (INN) is a renunciation of Christ:
"From a spiritual point of view, the voluntary acceptance and use by a person of a digital name instead of a Christian name, as well as electronic documents bearing it, is a sinful act, equivalent to renunciation of Christ."
Archpriest Valery (Galaida) to the question "Is it correct to say that it is at this stage, when a person (writes) a voluntary application for this number [UNZR], that he renounces Christ completely? Can I say that?", replied:
- You can say that, and it's right, because his desire, the desire of the man himself, is the same as wishing that you had a seal put on your forehead and right hand. It's the same thing.
The outline will be applied with a laser (isotopic rays)
A law-abiding citizen will go to get a plastic card or take fingerprints, stretch out his hand, and at this moment the device will apply the inscription. He will go to be photographed for new documents with biometrics – the camera will fix the number of the beast on his forehead (schiarchim. Christopher, p. 233).
"The seal will be applied with invisible laser beams. This "stigma" will be invisible to the human eye, but accessible to computer laser beams. Only with the help of these rays, information about how much money is available in the account will be read in the store, and the cost of the purchased goods will be calculated instantly. All transactions will be performed without money." (Elder Thaddeus Vitovnitsky, p. 240).
The seal will be applied with a laser and will be invisible. Hieronymus of Sanaksarsky, the ever-memorable schemer, also spoke about this. (p. 240).
Slavochka (note: the holy youth Vyacheslav (Chebarkulsky)) said how the seal would be put: "They will come up with a world passport. They will give it to everyone. It will be a small, gray, and Slavik said, very pretty plate, and when people hold out their right hand for this passport, as a rule, the right one, the equipment will be designed so that the person either pulls his right hand for the passport, or puts his forehead, bends over… And he said that, as a rule, three sixes will be placed on the right hand in the wrist area with isotopes, rays from this equipment, or on the forehead. And Slavochka said: "God will not forgive anyone who accepts the seal." These three numbers on their foreheads glow with a greenish light. Like an electronic clock, like a scoreboard, three sixes glow with such a beautiful greenish light... (Vyacheslav boy, p.242).
And, on the other hand, they will begin to advertise the "perfect system": the invisible inscription of the number 666 on the forehead and hand. At the same time, they will show on television how someone took someone else's card and received money from the bank using it. They will say without stopping: "Printing with laser beams on the forehead or hand is more reliable, since only the owner knows the number of the seal ... (Rev. Paisius (Svyatogorets), p. 244).
How many people in America have been captured by laser beams: some on their foreheads, others on their hands. And later, those who will not be imprinted with the number 666 will not be able to sell, buy, borrow, or get a job. The thought tells me that the Antichrist wants to subjugate the whole world with this system. People – whether they are red, black or white – being outside this system will not be able to work, they will become social outcasts. Thus, [the Antichrist] will be imposed with the help of a system controlling the global economy, and only those who accept the seal with the number 666 will be able to enter into trade relations" (Rev. Paisii Svyatogorets, p. 248).
God will not forgive anyone who takes the the character in his right hand or in his forehead
After this seal, there will be no forgiveness for anyone. God's wrath and all Nature will arm themselves, and such people will still suffer here on earth, as in hell." Hermogenes, p. 254).
"And Slavochka said that God will not forgive anyone who accepts a world passport and seal, no matter what people come up with in their defense (p.254).
Rejection of Satanic numbers and documents
"Therefore, as soon as a person realizes that he has been assigned a number, he should not show his consent, i.e. he should not put his signature and receive a identity card, and if he has already signed, accepted it, and now only realized his big mistake, then let him write three statements with renunciation (elder Kirill (Pavlov), p. 230).
If someone took a passport, INN or plastic cards out of ignorance or negligence, they must repent of this, hand over these documents, because they lead to spiritual destruction (fr. Nikolai Guryanov, p. 232).
He advised the children to write three applications with refusals of digital identity identifiers – to a medical insurance organization, to a pension fund and to the tax inspectorate - and send them by registered mail with a notification of delivery (Abbot Guriy, p. 236).
The pension insurance policy must be returned to the Pension Fund. (do not burn!). To burn it is already deceitful. The struggle must be a struggle. Take it, and take it back. (Abbot Gury, p. 237).
Prot. Valery (Galaida) warned Ukrainians that the UNZR is the seal of the Antichrist. He also said that when a person accepts a personal number (note: it was about the UNZR), (note: othe seal of the Antichrist is applied to his soul (note: obviously, this also applies to the INN, since the structure of the INN and the UNZR is the same). He also warned that SNILS (note: the insurance number of the individual personal accountis) the "name of the beast" for Russians. If a person refuses a number, then the seal from the soul goes away. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon the "name of the beast" and all documents based on such a number. He spoke about Ukrainian biometric passports: "The advice is that we should go to the place where we received it, explain that we did not know, write an application and refuse such passports" (prot. Valery (Galaida), p. 237).