Музыкальное творчество Андрея Дмитриева. Забытый инструмент Било

Дмитриев Андрей

Музыкальное творчество Андрея Дмитриева. Забытый инструмент Било

Комментарии (1)

Всего: 1 комментарий
#1 | Андрей Рыбак »» | 30.09.2024 20:49

While the world invents more spectacular ways of entertainment.
While the world becomes increasingly complicated, fussy and noisy .
There are those who have dedicated their lives to silence and prayer,
prayer for the world .
This is the way.
This is the worldview.
This is Hesychia.

"Hesychia" bell composition by Andrey Dmitriev.
Photos of Mount Athos were used.

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